We’ve some great bits of news including:
Adult's Class Freebie Deal!
The June grading date
Leo and Hallie's Talent Show Win!
Thursday Class Return?
Key dates and cancelled lessons
BTCB Insurance for blue belts and higher
Student of the Month
June Grading
The next grading will be on Saturday the 15th of June 9:30am-11:30
If you want to grade but you're not quite sure if you're ready just let Master Sam know and we'll see when might be best for you to grade!
Adult's Class Summer Deal!
There's a new deal on for Adults who are interested in starting our Sunday night classes 7-8pm! The first lesson is free AND you get a free Taekwondo uniform (Worth £30-35). If you or someone you know fancies getting fit and learning a new skill this is the best time to give it a try! It's always a lovely atmosphere and a friendly class.
Leo and Hallie win Kirkham's Got Talent!
Leo and Hallie took part in a talent show at their school, competing against a variety of acts including singing and dancing acts... and came out on top! Their performance involved a mixture of patterns 4 and 6 and ended with them breaking wooden boards right in front of the judges!
Well done!!
Key Dates and Cancelled Lessons
Saturday 15h June - Grading day
Saturday 22nd June - No class (Art Exhibition at NLVH)
Saturday 23rd August - Hall Closure
Sunday 25th August - Hall Closure
Saturday 7th September - No class (Annual Flower Show at NLVH)
Safeguarding and Welfare Officer
We're looking for a club Safeguarding and Welfare officer! This is now a requirement for every BTCB registered club and does not involve a large time committment, just to be there as a extra safety measure for students under the age of 18. If you or someone you know would be interested please get in touch! it involves doing two 3 hour courses which are paid for by the club and then you're all set!
This is open to any of the adult members or parents of students.
Thursday classes over Summer?
There is a possibility we could bring back Thursday classes for June and July, would anyone be interested in having the extra classes? Let us know in out WhatsApp group!
BTCB Insurance for Blue belts and Higher
For those going for Blue belt or higher it is imperative that you are insured under British Taekwondo. You will not be able to grade if you do not have a membership. This is also essential for when going for your black belt and any competitions you may do in the future.
I've attached a guide for navigating the website but if you have any further questions please let Master Sam know
Here's the link to the website: https://www.british-taekwondo.com/auth/login
BTCB have raised the price due to inflation but hopefully we will see this reduced again soon. These are their current prices:
Adult Annual Membership (18+) £35
Junior Annual Membership (17-) £30
Club Annual Affiliation £15
Student of the Month
The student of the month is Maddie! She has made it clear she is much more a fan of sparring than patterns but nonetheless has been very focussed in class when learning her patterns and is working hard towards her next grade which is very impressive!
Maddie also had a few things that made her unable to train for a few months earlier on in the year but has come back enthusiastic and swinging! She really deserves student of the month! Well done Maddie!